1. Institutionelle
  2. Investment solutions
  3. Bond funds
  4. High Income

High Income: Focus on higher potential returns

With High Income, you invest in bonds that promise above-average returns. For example, in CoCo and corporate hybrid bonds, high-yield bonds, high-yield emerging market bonds or diversified portfolios that combine these asset classes.

This is what sets our High Income products apart

We launched one of the first CoCo funds. With the hybrid fund launched in 2021, we are building on this success and opening up another attractive asset class for you.

Our high-yield funds meet your needs: solutions across the entire spectrum, with reduced maturity risk or consistent hedging.

With our concentration at our Zurich location, the funds benefit from the expertise of all Zürcher Kantonalbank portfolio managers, which is reflected in the positive performance.

We launched one of the first CoCo funds. With the hybrid fund launched in 2021, we are building on this success and opening up another attractive asset class for you.

With our concentration at our Zurich location, the funds benefit from the expertise of all Zürcher Kantonalbank portfolio managers, which is reflected in the positive performance.

Our high-yield funds meet your needs: solutions across the entire spectrum, with reduced maturity risk or consistent hedging.

Our investment philosophy

Our years of experience in the respective asset classes as well as a clearly structured investment process are crucial for our High Income strategies. The portfolio managers of our asset manager, Zürcher Kantonalbank, develop their own ideas, understand the risks and can control them.

Our selection for institutional investors

We offer you a wide range of actively managed High Income solutions in these asset classes:

  • contingent convertible bonds (CoCo bonds)
  • high-yield bonds rated BB+ or below (sub-investment grade)
  • subordinated bonds from solid and globally active companies (corporate hybrids)
  • emerging market bonds in local or hard currencies with high return potential
  • Solutions with strategic allocation across all segments: High Income Credit Opportunities or Absolute Return

How we find the optimal bonds for you

The experience and know-how of the portfolio managers, who are also analysts, are crucial to our success. Investment ideas are developed on the basis of an in-depth understanding of the markets and the particularities of the various high-income segments.

Who are these bond funds suitable for?

Our High Income solutions are suitable for institutional investors who...

  • have at least a medium-term investment horizon,
  • would like to benefit from high return opportunities and at the same time reduce maturity risk,
  • trust active portfolio management for this specific market segment and
  • are risk tolerant to the comparatively higher credit risks of this asset class.

Three good reasons to choose us

  1. Attractive asset classes: With our High Income solutions, we offer you easy access to attractive fixed-interest investments.
  2. Expertise: We have expertise in the individual asset classes and aim to outperform the benchmark with active positioning.
  3. Network: We are established in all markets and have access to all relevant issuers, new issues and brokers.

Our other bond funds